IS IT POSSIBLE to solve big business problems, align and position your company for success by simplifying planning, improving communications and establishing critical deliverables your project teams are happy, willing and proud to be held accountable for?
It is and I’m about to prove it to you. However first, let me tell you why I’ve gone to this extreme.
How to Industry-Leading Success? Clear Communication and Team Dynamics
How do the best of the best get to be that way?
Studying my industry-leading client organizations and improving team success dynamics that allow us to build their project teams into strong and dynamic teams that get things done is one of my deepest passions.
It’s consumed an embarrassingly large amount of my time and energy for over two decades. I’ve got Fortune 500 clients and colleagues who say my pursuit borders on obsession. They’re wrong. It crossed the line long ago.
I know of no other business subjects more fascinating, more empowering, more profitable, and unfortunately, more confusing. This confusion is more than unfortunate, it’s also largely unnecessary.
Given the pace of today’s business world, it’s never been easier for any serious Fortune 500 companies to be an industry-leading powerhouse. Never. It doesn’t require a special relationship with major consulting firm, a multi-million dollar “branding” budget or a special partnership with a top-tier PR or advertising company.

It’s a simple matter when you cut through all the smoke. Cutting through the smoke is the hard part. It’s s where I’ve seen my clients struggle the most in my 20 years of service as a preferred Fortune 500 (and FTSE 100) business strategy consultant and coach helping my global industry-leading clients with strategy, high-visibility programs and initiatives.
Let me help you.
If Your Teams Aren’t “Getting Things Done” (read: Lacking accountability, poor comms, missed deliverables etc.)
Do you feel like your teams aren’t getting things done?
If your teams aren’t getting things done here are just some of the things I guarantee are happening. How many of them can you relate to right now?
- There’s a lack of accountability and ownership.
- The quality of the resources assigned to projects is inadequate.
- You’re concerned with the level or lack of of project management talent/skills.
- Your PMO isn’t fully aligned with what’s required or whats’ going on in reality.
- Plans don’t exist for programs and projects.
- No one is effectively driving communications.
- Critical deliverables are either not established or are missed regularly.
- You’re in partnership with one or more large consulting firms but things don’t seem to be clearer or easier for your people.
And these are just some of the issue and challenges I help my clients fix using your own existing resources and talent.
In fact, if your programs, people, teams or technology haven’t yet performed to the level you want, it likely has nothing to do with you or them. Given the shell game of strategies and business transformation misinformation available, it’s a wonder we’re still able to develop and implement corporate strategies that make a difference, communicate across organizational boundaries and understand each other, much less grow the business.
If the barrage of industry, organizational and other techno-jargon has left you more confused than empowered, take a deep breath and relax. I guarantee that together we can take aim at whatever the confusion in your organization is, blow away the smoke and make things as simple as possible for you and for your teams.
In fact, we’ll nail it down to a customized step-by-step system that’s comprised of proven steps to solve the challenges your specific initiatives, programs, and project teams are facing (I don’t believe in “off-the-shelf-one-size-fits-all” consulting or business coaching solutions). With these steps, we can work what some of my clients have referred to as “business miracles” in your company.
But first, we must clear away some smoke and together understand and agree what the challenges are that you and your organizational, divisional, program or project teams are facing.
To get started click here to get in contact in the first instance.